Healer Ritual Bath Soak
Healer Ritual Bath Soak
This ritual bath is a potent combination of Plant kin for supporting boundaries, protection, integration, grounding, restoring harmony & aligning with ourselves + our Hearts + Creation: Yarrow, Cedar, Hawthorn & Rose. These Plant kin are often worked with in Ceremony, to hold us as we hold one another, hold space, navigate being here... A favourite ritual as we near the Winter Solstice.
The scent is so so beautiful, fragrant Western Red Cedar/Giizhik/Nuunk. The volatile oils of Yarrow come through in a big way. Wild Rose is added {infused in glycerine, gathered in at the Summer Solstice with Crane Medicine}, to add some softness to the skin & moistening quality. This year I added some extra special fresh Wild Rose infused oil that I've been saving for a special offering. Holding our Hearts as well as boundaries & maternal lineage healing. Hawthorn berries {haws} are added last to this healing blend. More Heart + grief support, as well as boundaries + protection. Strengthening our vasculature & those unseen edges/boundaries too.
Both Cedar & Yarrow remind us to walk in Balance, the harmony of the spectrum of living as Human during this time ~ embodying all of the paradox, integrating shadows + light. Supporting us as we wade through the waters of Healing, ourselves, our lineages, collective energies + consciousness. Helping us to remember we are *rooted* here, we are a portal between Star Nations & Earth… Rose + Hawthorn were added for our Hearts. Love. Grief work. Clearing any energies that don’t belong, or no longer align. Supporting that clearing, while holding us.
Ritual Bath: Suggested Instructions: Anywhere from 2TBSP - 1/8 cup of Salt per bath. Fill bath, giving gratitude to the Water remembering our Bath water connects us to all of Earth's sacred Waters, and the Water within. Swirl suggested amount, or whatever calls, in the Water & feel the comfort + support of our Plant kin. Can also add to oil to make a shower scrub, with a little honey for more moistening.
Work with this Bath blend whenever you need are feeling called to ground, integrate & release anything that you may be carrying that is asking to be released/that is no longer yours to carry. Supportive for protection energies, evoking boundaries & also helping to ease physical tension in the body.
I love this Ritual Blend after facilitating Ceremony, or being in Circle, after a long day of energy work, seeing clients, or just being around a lot of energies. Helpful to come back into our bodies & really ground our energies. Integrating any messages or downloads we receive, so that we may embody them ~ putting them into practical action. Connecting Earth + Star Nations, Spirit + Body. Of course, use your intuition, this beautiful blend can offer support any time during your own personal cycle or the Lunar Cycle to call forth boundaries & the wisdom, and the clarity of our Elders.
Ingredients: Western Red Cedar, Coastal harvested Yarrow, Wild Rose glycerite, Wild Rose infused oil, Hawthorn Flower glycerite, Hawthorn berries {haws}, Epsom Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt, Protection Flower Essence
6oz reusable glass jar