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Transitions Flower Essence

Transitions Flower Essence

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Transitions Flower Essence

Transitions Flower Essence was birthed to help us during times of transition, liminal or in between spaces where we are not exactly where/who we were, yet not exactly where/who we are meant to be just yet either. This may be supportive during times of physical transition such as moving homes, changing careers, relationship endings/beginnings, loss/death, or it could also be for more spiritual + energetic + emotional transitions as well such as identity shifts, stepping deeper into our authentic selves, our Medicine, our beings…

While this blend is deeply supportive for big transitions & has held me through many changes ~ I also find it very supportive for my little one! Little ones often have a difficult time moving from one thing to another, ex. transitioning home from being at school, transitioning from being at the playground to heading home, transitioning from learning to crawl to learning to walk, stopping nursing, switching caregivers etc. They are constantly going through *so many* BIG transitions! I’ve found this blend to be very supportive during those times of big + little transitions.

It is meant to help us navigate the endings & beginnings, and all of the emotions, body sensations & feelings that can arise during changes. Arnica is added to offer a layer of healing any traumas or woundings that may come up during whatever change we are going through {of course, other modalities & methods may also be needed; flower essences are potent but sometimes we need more than one support system too <3}. Motherwort feels like a big HUG, a nurturing loving hug from a Mother figure/Mother Earth energy. Grounding us & helping us feel safe, stable, held, loved. Oat offers sustenance & vigor when we are feeling exhausted from the shifts, from the effort it sometimes takes to ‘start anew.’

Elderflower guiding us through death:life:birth cycles & holding our hands as we navigate new spaces, shadow work, as well as the sweetness + hope that change can bring. Impatients supports us exactly how the name sounds, with feeling impatient, frustrated ~ ready to *know* or *move on* or whatever it is we may be trying to rush through. Holding us as we stay a little longer in the liminal space, as long as needed, to receive the teachings, medicine, guidance needed.

Lastly we add Bloodstone, a beautiful beautiful gem essence that helps to rebalance & harmonize our lower energy centers. Helping us to feel rooted, grounded, safe, stable as we navigate big transitions. Also supportive for any trauma relating to these lower energy centers (root & sacral mostly). Reminding us that we are always connected to the Earth, to Home, even amidst big changes, even amidst chaos & feeling ‘untethered.’ We are the Land & Spirit embodied…

To learn more about flower essences:

Ingredients: Essences of Walnut, Arnica, Motherwort, Oat, Elderflower, Impatients, Bloodstone, Immortale, Non-grain alcohol, Spring Water


Take 3 drops under the tongue, or in water, as needed. You can choose to work with the Essence for 3-7 days in a row, taking note of any changes or shifts. Taking a break, and then resuming as needed. I usually recommend keeping a dream journal during your time connecting with a new Plant. Flower essences are intuitive medicines, so please feel free to work with them in the ways that call you.

*Flower Essences are a vibrational medicine, they typically do not contain physical constituents of the Plant. They contain the patterns, energy, imprints of the Plant suspended in Nibi/Water.

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